Term 2 Project - The winch/drop mechanism and LDR/LED camera illumination

After a bit of a setback soldering on a Veroboard, the drop mechanism housing had to be redesigned, as the whole electronics bit had to be desoldered and put back on a breadboard. The housing is now taller, but it comfortably fits the winch/drop mechanism on top. In addition, I just finished adding an LDR that will light up two LEDs if the camera finds itself in a lower light environment under water.

The housing(s) were made using plain project boxes and some camera film canisters.
On a side note, the boat's hull had to be covered in thick PVC so I can paint it.

I have also scripted in the Imaging Unit (the Pi Zero), to start filming at boot for 5 minutes, if you are outside and have no local or home WiFi network (with a home or local network you can use VNC from your mobile devices or computers to control video or stills, or simply stream what is happening in your pond, tank, etc). I had a few issues trying to directly control it straight from my mobile devices, as such I decided to go through the proof of concept route and have it start filming at boot, so I could at least test it when the time comes.

I will publish here the code for the mechanism & LDR/LED as well as the script in Raspbian's startup.

For now, here's a video of the winch retracting automatically as there is no water and the LDR controlling the LED according to light levels. Also, a photo of a to be tested CSI cable in heatshrink for insulation.

                                Heatshrunk CSI cable. Wrapped it in foil and ironed it with a clothes iron,lets see if it works!

winch and camera front housing with light reactive LEDs

Still a little to go, but not to far!

Until next time,



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