Term 2 Project - A partial success

I have finalised the project, the mechanism works as it should and so does the LDR. The mechanism retracts the camera when it does not sense any water and drops the camera when it senses water. The LDR controls the LEDs according to how bright it is. So all in all, the two inputs two outputs objectives have been achieved.

The camera is another matter. After extensive testing of the housing, luck would have it, upon final testing the housing suffered substantial enough water ingress to affect the camera module. Surprisingly the camera still turns on, so it might be a matter of letting it dry for a few weeks on its own, redo all water seals (although my suspicion is the front seal on the glass), but time for the project is up. On a slightly paradoxical note, the camera also floats more than it should, hence the addition of "weights" to make it go down.

All in all, it was a challenging project and one which I will continue to develop in my spare time, but for now here are some videos of the project, unfortunately, due to the water ingress on the camera, filmed in a bathtub, rather than the semi local pond/canal.

But there's still hope for the future!

Until next time,


Update 1:05pm : The ingress occurred in the cabling area to the rear. So the front element is fine. It really may be a case of  drying it, getting another module or drying the current one very slowly over a couple of weeks  and redo the seals. But that's outside deadline and it will be made in my own time.

Alternatively I could cannibalise my previous project for a camera module, although reluctantly. Stay tuned for this one, will decide soon. 

Take care,



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